Tuesday, 22 JUNE 2021, 18H00 (WEST, GMT+1)
Richard Buchanan
A conversation with Richard Buchanan about the role of design in a world in transition, organized by IADE-UE and UNIDCOM, Lisbon, Portugal, in the framework of DDC’21 (https://ddc2021.unidcom-iade.pt/).
Professor Richard Buchanan from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio will be our guest at DDC’21 – Design Doctoral Consortium, an event organized by the Doctoral Course in Design at IADE, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal, with the support of UNIDCOM/IADE. This talk will take place via Zoom and will be open to the public but subject to prior registration. We will talk under the theme of transition and discuss the role of design and design research in a post-pandemic world.
We look forward to hosting Richard Buchanan and all of you on Tuesday, 22nd June 2021 at 6 pm (WEST/GMT+1hour). The event will be hosted on Zoom.
Wednesday, 23 JUNE 2021, 16H00 (WEST, GMT+1)
Sudarshan Khanna and Krishna Patel
A conversation with Sudarshan Khanna and Krishna Patel about the role of design in a world in transition, organized by IADE-UE and UNIDCOM, Lisbon, Portugal, in the framework of DDC’21 (https://ddc2021.unidcom-iade.pt/).
Professor Sudarshan Khanna and Professor Krishna Patel from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and Gandjinagar, India, will be our guest at DDC’21 – Design Doctoral Consortium, an event organized by the Doctoral Course in Design at IADE, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal, with the support of UNIDCOM/IADE. This talk will take place via Zoom and will be open to the public but subject to prior registration. We will talk under the theme of transition and discuss the role of design and design research in a post-pandemic world.
We look forward to hosting Sudarshan Khanna and Krishna Patel and all of you on Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 at 4 pm (WEST/GMT+1hour). The event will be hosted on Zoom.